Created over 175 magical effects in TimelineFX

Designed T-Shirts for PAX

Animated heroes, monsters, and bosses in AnimeStudio

Designed, animated, and scripted many of the boss encounters using JSON in FlashDevelop


First Ludum Dare

My submission for Ludum Dare #48 - Theme: “Deeper and Deeper”

This was a really tough challenge! 48 hours to create a game from scratch - including all art and music.

Although I didn't make a complete game (you cannot win or lose), I'm happy with the player mechanics I was able to build from scratch in one weekend. I also enjoyed getting into OpenMPT to create some fun chiptunes!


First Game Jam

This is my first game jam submission and marks the break of 3100 consecutive days since my last game release! 😮 (A flash game I completed 10/26/2012)

Feels really good to get back into game design and finish something!

Over the last 3100 days I periodically made sketches in Processing and p5, and utilized scripting for animation in After Effects on a daily basis, but always seemed to have game development on my "TO DO" list... and kept hitting brick walls when I tried to teach myself Unity.

Thank you, SkyanSam for kicking off a jam in one of my favorite genres - BULLET HELL!! And thanks to GODOT developers for creating an awesome development tool that was so fun and easy to pick up! Looking forward to the next jam!